Lazy (adjective) – unwilling to work or use energy.
As human beings, we highly value being productive. The need to jump out of bed with a healthy routine to start your day for all the butt-kicking you are about to do is important, but it’s equally important to take a break.
With all the butt-kicking we do, we forget to give ourselves credit for the fact that we are very productive and deserve some downtime. You read books, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, and it’s all preaching on how to stay motivated – how to succeed, but what we forget is that we need to recharge. If recharging means lying on your couch, eating a bag of Cheetos and drowning yourself in a glass of wine, while binging Never Have I Ever on Netflix – it’s okay. Allow yourself to be okay with that.
You might be thinking – wait, hold up, you’re telling me to take a break? YES, that is exactly what I am saying. You are human. Breathe. Sleep in. Go for walks. Do nothing for a day or better yet, two. If that’s what you need, then listen to your body.
We don’t have to wire ourselves to be on the go at all times of the day. Schedule and designate lazy days or lazy hours each day of the week – where you allow yourself to breathe and not beat yourself up for it.
Mentally Coach Your Mind
Tell yourself – today, I deserve a break, and I will take the day off to do nothing at all. Do nothing at all and then pick yourself up when you’re ready. Believe it or not, breaks increase your productivity and creativity. To stop our overall work performance and health from suffering – actively take some time off.
If you’re worried about wasting the day away when you could be using that time to be resourceful, remember, the work will still be there tomorrow. Stop for a moment and consider is it worth shaming yourself for wasting away hours, or is it better for you to accept that you need time for yourself.
I’ve had some great aha moments while taking downtime away from being productive —nothing like a clean, fresh start after a much-needed braincation. SO, don’t feel guilty about taking a break. You need it. We all do.
If you need ideas for fun downtime check out our list of 40 things to do at home.