Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth. It’s a time to let go, cleanse, and bloom. So, let’s usher in this season with spring affirmations for a fresh new start. The spring air’s smell, the bees’ buzzing, and the all-around aura shift, signals change. With change comes yet another opportunity for you to reflect and make positive shifts in your life.
The spring equinox is an auspicious time of honoring change as the darkness diminishes and light increases. Now, is the time to celebrate a fresh start and shift our energy with the rebirth of spring. I encourage you to move through this new season of growth with these positive spring affirmations to welcome abundance. Along with these affirmations, I’d recommend reading my post on spring cleaning your life, for the ultimate fresh new start.
As you embark on this journey of growth; affirmations are a great way to boost your overall well-being. Sometimes just repeating one affirmation daily is enough – while other days, you may want to run through the entire list. Always remember, you have a choice. So, decide what you need and go with it.
20+ Spring Affirmations for a Fresh New Start
1. I choose to welcome new beginnings with the aura of a blossoming future.
2. I accept the change that a new season brings with trust in my progress through and through.
3. I am a super attractor for love, light, and happiness.
4. I make space for healing and growth.
5. The challenges I face provide invaluable lessons.
6. I welcome the limitless opportunities and possibilities all around me.
7. I release what no longer serves my highest, best, good.
8. I am excited and passionate about my life.
9. I illuminate the world with magnificence.
10. I am a limitless spiritual being, having a human experience.
11. Where I bring my attention, I find growth.
12. Nature brings me closer to myself.
13. I flow effortlessly through a generous universe.
14. I see possibility and abundance everywhere.
15. I am the creator of my life.
16. I am a magnet for success and financial abundance.
17. Acceptance of this new chapter in my life, allows me to release and move forward.
18. Everything that I desire, is already radiating within me.
19. My life is unfolding exactly as I want it to be.
20. I follow the flow of my inner energy.
21. I have regenerated and I am now rising from a new sense of being.
22. I embrace the change that spring ushers into my life.
ALSO READ: 40+ Affirmations to Empower Your Life Forward
It’s time to welcome the winds and blooms of change and focus on the things you would like to manifest in spring. I look at the changes in each season as a time to welcome a fresh start to my life. We have plenty of opportunities to grow through what we go through and at times we might struggle with negative thinking.
I often find when I’m in a negative mindset, it helps to be kind and remind myself of affirmations that align with my current headspace. Repeating affirmations has brought me into a realm that allows me to truly relish in moments of joy while accepting that not every moment is going to be a positive one. After all, we must accept that life is filled with bumps and dips. It’s up to us to choose the way in which we orchestrate our life. Happy fresh start!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a positive affirmation for April?
A positive affirmation for April is any affirmation that provides you with the energy of a fresh start, healing, releasing, or renewal. Any one of the affirmations for spring above will provide you with a positive affirmation for April.
What is an affirmation statement?
An affirmation is a phrase or statement that you repeat to help you shift negative thoughts into positive ones. It can be a statement that helps you feel better and often serves as a reminder that you are amazing in more ways than one.
Is listening to positive affirmations as effective as saying them daily?
It really depends on the type of person you are in regard to repeating or listening to affirmations. A mix of both listening to positive affirmations and saying them daily could be a great happy medium. Sometimes, you may want a change in the affirmations you listen to, so you can opt to record your own version and repeat them as you play it. The type of learner you are – plays a big role in what is more effective.
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Did you use these spring affirmations? Are there any more affirmations for spring that you would add to this list?