Spring cleaning is meant to be a therapeutic cleansing experience that grants you a reset button for the year ahead. Traditionally, spring cleaning began as a way to clean away the mess of winter, as we began to welcome longer and brighter days. Basically, it’s like coming out of hibernation and finding your footing. This season is a great time to spring clean your life and hit reset for the year.
Since you’re already decluttering your personal space, let’s go a step further and declutter your life. I believe spring cleaning your life, allows you to let go of the old and make room for the new.
I’m ready to blossom into the new season – let’s make room for the new, shall we?
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How To Spring Clean Your Life And Hit Reset For The Year Ahead
To get started let’s break up your spring cleaning into 4 pillars: Mind, Wardrobe, Home, and Energetic Space. We’ll work through each one of these pillars, and find ways that you can make these changes to your life. Don’t worry these tips are easy to follow and if you need an additional helping hand, download the actionable steps checklist for spring cleaning your life. You can use the spring clean checklist to help you achieve optimal success as you clean up your life.
Declutter Your Mind
The mind is a fragile entity but also a malleable one. To spring-clean your life, you need to actively choose to make healthy, and realistic changes to your mind. It’s no secret that I love affirmations. So, one of my favorite ways to kickstart the spring decluttering phase is with spring affirmations. I believe it is incredibly important to prepare your mind by welcoming a fresh start with affirmations and then dive right in.
Often, we’re so busy planning and completing tasks, that we don’t always factor in time for rest. Making changes to your routine, sprucing up your diet, and getting some exercise all hold a place in decluttering your mind.
1. Change Up Your Routine
I don’t know about you but I’m up into the wee hours of the night thinking about my next day’s to-do list: such as watering the plants, locking the doors, and throwing out the trash. It’s an extensive and endless list. Getting a good night’s rest might be a struggle for some of us because our mind is oversaturated with thoughts of the present, past, and future.
So, let’s switch up that routine of yours so that your mind isn’t always working on overdrive. Try some calming music, a warm bath, deep breathing or even taking melatonin. Consider, leaving your phone away from you and reading something before bed to help you shut off your mind and ease into sleep. Sometimes we need support to fall asleep and I’ve found Dr. Teal’s sleep products to effectively aid in catching some Z’s.
If bedtime isn’t a problem for you, yet you are constantly feeling unsure about yourself, or just can’t seem to focus then try to add or remove something from your schedule. If you wake up to a repeat schedule or go-go-go, then try starting your day with meditation or walking in nature. Sometimes, all we need is a small shift in our routine to find a rewarding break that makes all the difference.
Life cleaning isn’t easy work but it’s worthwhile. Take out a notepad and write down answers to the questions below to help you understand your mind better.
- What activities give you peace?
- How can you practice saying no and setting boundaries?
- What is a non-negotiable boundary?
- What occupies your mind most?
- How can you shift the time spent on things out of your control?
You might not find the answers right away, but don’t give up on spring-cleaning your mind. Chip away at the parts of you that want to be heard and work on your inner peace. You’ll eventually find a way to make changes to your routine that helps you free up some space in your mind.
2. Curate A Healthy Diet
I am by no means supporting diet culture, rather I am nudging you in the direction of healthier eating. The trials and tribulations I’ve been through with being kind to my body are a dime a dozen. I struggled with body dysmorphia for a long time and although I have gotten better at loving her – it doesn’t change that I have down days of feeling blah about the way I look.
A healthy diet is about being considerate of the food and drinks you consume. Eating more vegetables, grains, fruits, and proteins in moderation can help eliminate brain fog. It’s a good shout to avoid greasy, and junk food and find ways to be more mindful of the foods you consume. I’m not saying go cold turkey – but start somewhere and make tiny, gradual changes.
Take your health day by day. If you have food cravings, allow yourself a taste instead of completely indulging and then feeling bloated or sluggish, after consuming unhealthy foods. Healthy eating is a long-winded but attainable journey. A journey that I am still on but keeps getting better, day by day.
By being more mindful of what you consume you’re doing your mind and body a huge service. There are plenty of foods that are linked to better brainpower, which nourish and protect your brain. Good food leads to high-quality brain fuel which in turn helps you declutter your mind.
3. Include Body Movement
Some call it exercise and some call it flexercise. To be honest, not many (if any) call it flexercise, but what I’m putting out is a lazy workout in bed, a daily stretching routine, or simple dance moves to get your body moving. You aren’t going all in Hulk Hogan on exercising, rather we’re giving our body low-impact movement to get the blood flowing. I have had chronic neck pain for years upon years, and the one thing that helps tame the pain is a daily stretching routine.
There are plenty of studies on the importance of exercise and how it impacts our overall mental health. A big leap in cleaning up your life is to move your body. If you can’t schedule a regular workout, that’s fine. Turn up your favorite tune (afro-beats does it for me) and let your body do the talking. I jump around the house and frighten my dog Dobby on the daily with my dance moves. Anything, to take your mind off things and boost your serotonin is a solid win.
By exercising you are sharpening your memory, welcoming better sleep, and stimulating the growth of new brain cells. Exercise = better brain health ergo helping you declutter your mind.
Clean Up Your Wardrobe
One of my favorite tips for spring is cleaning up your wardrobe. In the name of life cleaning, I get to sell, donate and throw out the old, while ushering in the new. If you have lightly worn clothes or clothes that just never made it on you – think about selling them for a profit. By selling your clothes, you’re giving yourself some cash flow for hot girl season.
Lately, my focus has been on dopamine fashion – I like to dress with the intent to boost my mood. Throw on those bright colors, mix, and match, and don’t be afraid to welcome a style change!
Spring is a great transition time because while you’re removing the old – you start preparing for summer (yesssss, boo). In the words of Queen B – let me upgrade you!
1. Separate Clothes. Start by dividing your clothes into three piles: “keep”, “almost – but no” and “it’s not me – it’s you”.
2. Finalize maybe pile. Decide what clothes out of your maybe pile will be gone forever and which can weather another season with you. Then, box up your clothes that are for the colder months and hang your clothes that can be salvaged for warmer months.
3. Weed out sellable clothes. Skim through your clothes to look for stains, tears, or abnormalities. Then, clean up what you can for resale, throw out damaged goods, and bag the donatable clothes for their final descent.
4. Setup shop. Be sure to check out local stores that purchase clothes to be resold, such as Facebook Marketplace, and websites like Poshmark. The best part is that whatever can’t be sold, can still be donated (you stay winning).
5. Make new purchases. This year is your year to open your closet to dopamine dressing. Wear what makes you feel vibrate, lively and joyful!
Spring Clean Your Home
Let’s aim for minimalism that would make Marie Kondo ask us to co-author her next book.
Three ways to spring clean your home:
1. Accept That You Need to Declutter
As my girl Marie Kondo would say, does it bring you joy? But also, how nice does it look in your home, and is it taking up unnecessary space? Ask yourself the hard questions and answer honestly.
2. Start in One Room
Don’t think about the size of your house but rather focus on the highest trafficked-busy parts of your home. Think only about the room you’re in and then work your way around the house room by room. Pace yourself and start with spaces like bookshelves, consoles, and side tables.
3. Don’t Think Twice
Nope. Nada. Once your donation items are bagged or boxed – it doesn’t matter if Beyoncé has something quasi-similar in her home – it has to go. The moment you question yourself, things will start to reappear in decluttered spaces, and guess what that means – it means you’re on the opposite side of spring cleaning your life.
Give yourself time to clean bigger spaces, create a list of spaces you want to declutter in your life, and don’t be afraid to enlist help. Spring cleaning your home doesn’t mean you’re only getting rid of things, you can also store items that are sentimental or seasonal for later use.
Once you’ve cleaned up your home, there are many ways to change your spaces to help elevate your mood. Try shifting a room into an emotional escape room, a crystal room, a home massage room, or a rage room. Rage rooms are all the rage these days (pun-tastic). Sometimes decluttering our home provides, other ways to rearrange spaces.
If you’d rather keep your rooms the way they are, consider shifting your home to reflect a biophilic interior design. The biophilic design concept is meant to increase your connection to the natural environment through the use of nature, both directly and indirectly. Start by adding more plants, green walls, and a green space central to your house. The essence of biophilic interior design is to increase your well-being and overall health.
Cleanse Your Energetic Space
I’m all about keeping your energetic spaces clean. To spring clean up your life, you need to match your energy to your wellness. We need to raise our vibration and protect our energy to truly cleanse energetic spaces. Cleansing your energy looks different for everyone.
Let’s do this together. Below, I’ve laid out some ways to raise your vibrations and let go of unhealthy energy.
1. Allow Yourself to Let Go
Be it unhealthy dynamics between friends or toxic relationships – if you feel drained and disengaged then they are affecting your energy. It is hard to let go of anyone that you once shared love and affection towards, but it’s exactly what you need to do to allow yourself to welcome the energy that you deserve. You start to see a shift in your energetic space when you allow yourself to release.
2. Find The Right Crystals
I have about 8 different types of crystals in various sizes and forms around my house – each serving its own purpose. If you aren’t sure where to start, I’d recommend reading about the different types of crystals for emotional healing and their purpose. I started with a clear quartz to support the healing of my energetic system.
3. Positive Mantras and Affirmations
Think about how you want to welcome positive energy. Chant mantras and affirmations that vibrate through your body. Believe the words that you are putting out into the universe and pair them with cutting the cords of energy that weigh you down.
Vibrating higher can be achieved with the steps above in union with meditation and a deep breathing practice. Your energy spaces are valuable to your well-being, so be kind to yourself and remember that access to you is sacred. You deserve only the best, don’t settle for any other brand of less.
Here’s to hoping this spring cleaning your life list is what you need to kickstart your year ahead. We should always take time to reflect and release. You’ll feel lighter and breathe a little bit easier – try it.
To spring clean your life, there are multiple facets you need to cleanse, declutter and heal. They can’t all be done at the same time nor can we make them disappear with a flick of a wand and that is completely fine. Start somewhere. Make a daily practice of cleaning your mind, wardrobe, home, and energetic space. You’ll find balance through trial and error. Before you know it, you will spring clean your life and reset for the year ahead!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you cleanse your life for spring?
Cleansing your life for spring can be broken into many different pillars. Start by tackling either your mind, wardrobe, home, or energetic spaces. There isn’t a one size fits all approach to cleanse our life for spring but try out different variations until you find one that works for you.
What does spring cleaning symbolize?
I believe spring cleaning symbolizes a refresh or restart of your life. You’re letting go of the old and welcoming the new. It’s like a second chance at a happy new year.
What month is spring cleaning?
Spring cleaning starts on the 1st of March and continues into April. I sometimes continue into May depending on circumstances.
How to raise your vibrations?
There are many ways you can raise your vibrations as mentioned above in cleansing your energetic space, but I’d start with reflecting on letting go of what no longer serves you.
How to declutter your mind?
To declutter your mind, you need to first understand what needs your attention. To give you a beginner’s understanding, I’d direct you toward the top of the blog about how to declutter your mind as you work through spring cleaning your life.
How do your spring clean your life? Let me know in the comments below.