Self-empowerment affirmations serve as a way to reprogram your mindset into believing and trusting that you do have what it takes. Affirmations are meant to convince you of what you already know, which is that you are incredibly strong, courageous, and confident (to say the least). Sometimes we fall into the depths of not feeling like enough and that is exactly where affirmations remind us of how truly incredible we are.
There have been moments in my life, where I convinced myself that I’m not as smart as the average person (what is average anyway) or that I just don’t have the “it” factor, when in reality, all I was doing was bullying myself. Speaking to yourself with kindness and affirming that you do belong can shift those negative feelings. Cue – affirmations.
I love self-empowerment affirmations because they do exactly that, provide you with empowerment. As the saying goes, empowered women – empower women and as someone that identifies as a woman it’s been a long, yet powerful journey of finding my voice.
How Will Affirmations Empower You?
As we move through this fun little adventure called life, we change and often we grow. The bittersweet thing about life is that it doesn’t come with an instruction manual and so we just have to figure it out, the best we can.
So in those moments of feeling beat up by life, remember your affirmations and let them empower you to call on your highest self. Using affirmations can boost your confidence and self-esteem because that which we assume to be true, has the power to become our reality.
The law of assumption by Neville Goddard is the idea that if you believe you already have something then you do. This is your sign to believe in yourself. Use these affirmations to empower yourself.
As you step into your growth journey, use an empowering affirmation to boost your confidence and self-esteem. Sometimes just repeating one affirmation daily could be enough for you. From time to time I use different sets of affirmations – sometimes I use money affirmations, while other days it might be seasonal affirmations, and so on. You’re the driver of your destiny – decide what you need and run with it.
Incorporate These Affirmations for Empowerment into Your Life
- When you began practicing these self empowerment affirmations, pair them with moments that match those feelings. In order to reprogram our brain into believing these affirmations when we call on them, we should be able to evoke that positive feeling, when we are feeling down.
- Practice these positive affirmations for empowerment daily to maximize the results. This might look like a morning routine of self-empowerment or sprinkled throughout the day – you’re the architect.
- Lastly, remember these self-love affirmations will not change your life overnight. I’d recommend pairing your affirmations with manifestation scripting or other manifestation techniques.
- Lastly, work on your wellness and healing to evoke consistent changes, which will improve the overall quality of your life.
40+ Self-Empowerment Affirmations That Honour Your Growth
Self-Empowerment Affirmations
Use these self-empowering affirmations for times you need a little oomph in your step or just because you know you got this, but could use little internet support.
1. I am worthy of achieving all that I desire.
2. I vibrate at a frequency that honors my highest self.
3. I shine brightly in any room I walk into.
4. My strength and presence are undeniable.
5. I take action to accomplish my goals.
6. New opportunities are no match for my hard work and drive.
7. I welcome consistency and effort that matches my energy.
8. My courage is my superpower.
9. I stand rooted and firm in my truth.
10. Today is my day.
11. I acknowledge that I am not in competition with others.
12. I am grateful for all the incredible success in my life.
13. My vibe is powerful and strong.
14. I have the capacity to get through any crisis.
15. Nothing stands in the way of my dreams and goals.
Self Confidence Affirmations
We all need affirmations for self-love and confidence to stand in and reclaim our power. Go out and get em’ tiger!
16. My opinions and thoughts are not only important but they matter.
17. I love and approve of myself in all the ways that I show up.
18. I accept that everything, that is meant for me is already mine.
19. My presence and aura exude high-vibration energy.
20. I am the embodiment of confidence.
21. The universe and I work together to achieve the best for me, at all times.
22. My positivity and confidence encourage people to gravitate toward me.
23. Things always work out for me, no matter the circumstances.
24. I bring magical energy into every space that I step into.
25. I am successful in all that I venture.
26. I radiate confidence everywhere I go.
27. No struggle is a match for my abilities.
28. I let go of self-doubt and conquer everything that I set my mind to.
Self Love Affirmations
These positive affirmations quotes for self-love are your reminder to love and be kind to yourself. We’re fighting a tough battle as it is, let’s remember that we are always worthy.
29. I love who I am.
30. I am enough.
31. I am worthy of happiness and joy.
32. I deserve all that is good and welcome it with open arms.
33. I radiate a strong sense of acceptance.
34. I feel good in my skin.
35. I am beautiful inside and out.
36. I have an attractive mind, body, and soul.
37. I am a good woman.
38. I accept myself unconditionally.
39. I am deserving of love and respect.
40. Everything that I need to get through the day, is within me now.
41. I am grateful for the uniqueness that I bring to the world.
42. I am my best investment.
43. Every day, I cherish who I am and give myself grace.

I hope you take what you need and spread the love. We should share the things that enrich and empower us, so that it may do the same for others. If you want to learn how to create your own empowering self-love affirmations, be sure to download a copy of the affirmation freebie worksheets.
As you work on yourself, keep these empowering affirmations handy. You’re a brilliant being with an enormous capacity for validating yourself. Whenever you feel stuck – call on these affirmations to empower yourself and the other incredible women in your life. Believe in yourself and after reciting your affirmations, claim it. I often like to claim my affirmations or manifestations by saying “and so it is” – feel free to use that. You deserve all of it!
Further Reading: How to Use A Manifestation Bullet Journal
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the 3 P’s of an affirmation?
The 3 P’s of an affirmation is positive, personal, and present. When we write our affirmations, we want them to follow a framework that is well-written, clear, and consistent with our intentions.
What are self-affirmations?
Self-affirmations is a psychological theory about actions that affirm your worth. These affirmations help us accept and understand our worth.
What are affirmations and how can they help you feel more empowered?
Affirmations are phrases or statements that you repeat to help you shift negative thoughts into positive ones. Affirmations can help you feel empowered because of the consistent repetition that weighs heavily on changing the unhealthy thoughts you have towards yourself.
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